Reign Elite Crowns is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support athletes, families, and coaches at Reign Elite Cheer through obtainment of donations, sponsorships, and fundraisers.
Reign Elite Cheer is a small Division II gym that is home to some of the best competitive cheer athletes in the nation. Reign Elite Cheer consists of both Prep and All-Star Competitive Cheer teams, with ages ranging from to 19, and they could really use yours and the community's support to help offset some of the expenses (i.e. competition fees, uniform fees, travel expenses, etc.) that come with competitive cheer.
Ways you can help:
Donate to Reign Elite Crowns
Participate in and/or support our various fundraisers throughout the year
Share information about our organization and fundraisers with others
Contact us if you know of any community members and/or businesses/corporations who may be interested in supporting us.
Any support you are able to provide is appreciated and will go a long way in helping us to increase opportunities, affordability, and connectedness to the community for our Reign Elite competitive cheer athletes, families, and coaches. Lastly, any financial contributions to our organization are tax deductible.